Monthly Archives: August 2020

Seven steps to stay sane when life seems crazy!

. What are you doing to stay sane now when sometimes life and the world seem to be more than a bit crazy? That’s a serious question because there are some difficult problems going on in the world with health and financial concerns and social unrest. It not only affects our world but also creeps […]

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Struggling with half empty or half full?

You know the question. Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? This is really a metaphor for whether we look at the positive or the negative side of life. Obviously this concept is much deeper than how much water is in the glass. It can affect our whole outlook on life! […]

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Facing storms? Look inward, outward and upward!

Have you ever had something happen to you that you think is so awful? Maybe you’ve done something that you feel is so terrible that you will never get past it? We are all human and sometimes we hit those “storms” in life and we think that they will never end. When weather gets bad […]

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How to engage and spread your Superpower!

Did you know you have a Superpower? What do you think it is? Well, maybe you have many superpowers but today we are thinking about a Superpower that’s very special, yet very simple.    We know there’s a lot of stress in society and there can be stress in business and personal life, too. So, […]

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