Monthly Archives: January 2024

Life lessons learned from the movie Groundhog Day

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Do you remember watching the movie Groundhog Day when it first came out? We do. Recently we watched it again with ‘new eyes’. What strikes us now about this classic movie are all the life lessons that can be learned from it. As a refresher, the 1993 comedy Groundhog Day, starring Bill Murray, tells the […]

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How to fill the gaps in your life

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We all have areas in our lives that could use improvement – gaps between where we are and where we want to be. These gaps may be in our health, relationships, career, or gaps in reaching our goals. Closing these gaps can lead to a more fulfilling, balanced life. Here’s a story about a person […]

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Do you have a problem with ANTS?

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As a child, do you remember sitting on the step as you watched the ants carry a bit of food across the sidewalk to their secret hideaway? You might have admired these little insects for their tenacity and strength. They let nothing stop them. They even formed a continuous trail one after another. Recently we […]

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Searching for a strategy to gain serenity?

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Have you been feeling anxious or even feeling like life is ‘out of control’? These feelings are common to people these days. Several things can contribute to these feelings. One of these things is listening to the negative news happening in the world. You can’t control the news. Also, it’s easy to focus on what […]

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How to make this year be your best year yet!

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Are you making some resolutions? If so, you’re not alone. One in three people make resolutions at the beginning of a new year. Unfortunately, statistics show that people who make those resolutions often have abandoned them by the end of the first month! And only eight or nine percent keep their resolutions for the whole […]

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