Monthly Archives: September 2020

Surviving change by chance or by choice?

As we sat in the sun in the front yard, we noticed how quickly things were changing in nature. Yellow leaves were swirling down at a record pace as the wind picked up. It’s coming! What’s coming? Well, fall is officially here. And we all know what comes after fall. The seasons are changes we […]

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What are you not seeing in your life?

As we go through life we want to be aware. Yet there may be some things we aren’t seeing. So we’ll ask, “What are you not seeing in your life?”  Sometimes we don’t even know when we are not seeing things clearly. There was a time when I (Doug) did not see things clearly and […]

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Change your mindset to change your life!

What does the “Bannister Effect” mean to you? We’re not talking about the type of bannister that you hold onto as you go down stairs.  We’re referring to the effect named after Dr. Roger Bannister.  Whether or not you’re a sports enthusiast, you may recognize the name of Roger Bannister. He was the first person […]

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What do you own that’s free, yet priceless?

Here’s a riddle – What is free, yet can reward you beyond measure or cost you everything you own? The answer? Drumroll please – WORDS. Yes, words have the power to build up or tear down.  Words have the power to start a war or bring peace.  Words can create and define who you are. […]

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What does “What is past is prologue” mean to you?

When you hear the phrase “What is past is prologue”, what does it mean to you? Maybe you have some immediate thoughts about it. For us, we thought it might help to first define the word ‘prologue’. The word ‘prologue’, when used in this context, embraces the idea that history is a preview of what’s […]

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