Monthly Archives: December 2020

2020 – The best and worst of times!

How has 2020 been for you? It’s the end of the year, and what a year it’s been! It reminds us of the opening paragraph by Charles Dickens in his book, A Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it […]

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Lessons from the Christmas Truce of 1914

What words come to mind when you think of Christmas Eve? Jesus’ birth, Christmas carols, families together, gifts exchanged are some words that you might answer. However, for some soldiers, 106 years ago on Christmas Eve, the word was “peace”, even if it was for just a few hours. Some of you may be familiar […]

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7 ways to find holiday joy during tough times

How will your holiday celebrations be this year? This is the time when people of various faiths have celebrations and re-live memories. We have memories of past years, before the children grew up, when we would all sleep in our jammies in front of the fireplace on Christmas Eve. Now that they’ve grown up, we […]

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Coulda, woulda, shoulda – sound familiar?

Do you ever play the “Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda” game? You know, where you second-guess yourself and say, “I coulda, woulda, shoulda  ________! You fill in the blank. Often it involves opportunities that you let pass by without taking action on them. It can be financial opportunities such as not buying stock or real estate when […]

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Handling emotional triggers during the holidays!

What triggers happen to you during the holidays?  The holiday season can be a time of lots of emotion. And during this time, it’s easy to have both negative and positive emotions triggered. To understand how triggers can impact us, here is a quick review of what a trigger can be. Triggers can be sights, […]

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