5 ways to create harmony with life’s competing demands

5 ways to create harmony with life’s competing demands

For years we’ve heard self-improvement “gurus” talk about the importance of having a “balanced life”. While at first glance this seems to be a worthy goal. We believe the word ‘balance’ when used in this context, is not the best word. When we hear the word ‘balance’, a thought comes to mind of a weight balance scale where two plates or bowls are suspended from a fulcrum. Balance is only achieved when there is an equal amount of weight on either side.

When that same concept is applied in trying to achieve ‘life balance’, true balance is seldom achieved. Too often life’s demands foil the ideal of achieving true life balance. We feel instead of trying to achieve the utopian concept of ‘life balance’ a better goal would be ‘life harmony’. This term recognizes that even though we can’t always have perfect life balance we can achieve a sense of harmony with life’s competing demands.

It’s important to have harmony between our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual selves. Let’s look at five steps that may help you to create harmony in your life.

Step 1: Prioritize Self-Care
One of the most important steps to gaining harmony is prioritizing self-care. This includes getting enough rest, eating healthy meals, exercising regularly, engaging in activities that bring joy, and taking time for yourself. It also means having good relationships.

Taking care of your body and mind will help improve your overall health and well-being. This can help you manage stress better and give you the energy needed to tackle other tasks. What needs improvement in your self-care?

Step 2: Set Boundaries
Creating a harmonious life requires setting boundaries and making sure these boundaries are respected. Establishing boundaries means deciding what activities, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are acceptable for you and those close to you. Setting limitations creates stability. For example, restricting time spent on social media can help ensure that other parts of your life have time set aside for them as well.

Recognize what physical and emotional space you need from others to create an atmosphere of peace for yourself. Learning how to implement healthy boundaries is essential in obtaining a harmonious lifestyle. What boundaries do you want to set?

Step 3: Make Time for Hobbies
It’s important to set aside time for hobbies because they help reduce stress and burnout while enriching life with creativity, enjoyment, and fun.

To live a harmonious life, it’s vital to have a schedule that includes the various aspects of your life. It’s easy to forget the importance of hobbies and leisure as pressing responsibilities vie for space each day.

Scheduling time for your hobbies can be extremely rewarding and even helps boost energy to better manage everyday tasks. Hobbies can be incredibly soothing and inspiring when you’re creating objects or when you engage in activities such as music or sports. What hobby of yours needs revisiting or what new hobby do you want to explore?

Step 4: Connect with Nature 
Another essential step towards achieving harmony in your life is connecting with nature. Going outside can be a great way to get some fresh air and clear your mind while also appreciating the beauty of nature around you. This will help bring feelings of peace which can help reduce stress levels significantly. This allows more focus on other areas of life more clearly.   When will you make some time to enjoy nature?

Step 5: Practice Spirituality
Lastly, mindfulness and prayer time daily can be incredibly helpful in finding harmony. These practices allow staying present instead of adding unnecessary stress by worrying about the past or future. These activities can bring us into the present moment and work wonders for finding inner peace and creating harmony.

Even if you’re very busy, making even small changes such as a few minutes can make a huge difference – so don’t be afraid to get started! How can these enriching practices be part of your day?

What about you? Do you have a harmonious life? Roman emperor, Marcus Aurelius said it succinctly, “He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.” We encourage you to use the five steps we’ve mentioned to help create harmony with your life’s competing demands. Then you can reduce stress, have a sense of well-being, and have an even happier life!

Chanhassen MN residents, Doug and Lynn Nodland are success coaches and owners of The Balance Center in Excelsior. Contact them at WeCare@TheBalanceCenter.com

© Doug and Lynn Nodland 2023 Articles and videos may be shared in their entirety with attribution.

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