How to engage and spread your Superpower!

How to engage and spread your Superpower!

Did you know you have a Superpower? What do you think it is? Well, maybe you have many superpowers but today we are thinking about a Superpower that’s very special, yet very simple.   

We know there’s a lot of stress in society and there can be stress in business and personal life, too. So, let’s look at what might happen in a day where the Superpower could come in very handy. We’ll share what happened to someone we know. Her day didn’t start off very well.

She was running late. She was having trouble even getting out of bed. She hadn’t slept well because, during the night, she kept thinking about some problems with a colleague at her work. When making breakfast, the toast burned and she didn’t even have time to eat before meeting with this colleague.

Fortunately, she was meeting virtually in an online platform so she didn’t have to rush in traffic to get to work. Still, she was not feeling like herself and she worried about having to face this disagreeable colleague. She wanted the relationship with her colleague to improve so she decided to start out the meeting with a broad smile that was genuine. To her surprise, the colleague responded by smiling back. There was a connection and ultimately trust was rebuilt.  And guess what, the meeting went well and she and the colleague have been getting along well ever since!

What was the Superpower that made the difference? Actually it was her simple, but genuine smile and the fact it brought a smile back from her colleague. A genuine smile promotes trust, positive interactions and good relationships.  George Carlin said, “Everyone smiles in the same language.”

A researcher, Guillaume Duchenne, studied smiles. He published a book in 1862 which identified a type of smile that is still today referred to as the “Duchenne smile”. This kind of smile is seen as authentic and genuine because it involves both the cheek muscles and muscles that crinkle the corners of the eyes. Other smiles may be polite and gracious but the Duchenne smile is one that helps people connect and develop trust in each other.

Scientific studies recognize that by smiling you can transform yourself and others. There’s a contagious energy that happens. Smiling makes you more attractive, lifts your mood and the mood of others around you – happiness increases. It makes you appear and feel more confident. It also lowers blood pressure, calms a rapid heartbeat and can actually help you live longer. Doesn’t that make a smile a real Superpower?

So how do all those benefits happen from a simple smile? Your brain helps once it gets the signal from the corners of the mouth going up and the eye involvement in the smile. The brain signals the body to send out the feel good neurotransmitters – dopamine and serotonin. Also, endorphins, which lessen pain, are produced. What a great deal and no bad side effects!

Smiles are contagious and that’s a positive. When you smile, others are affected and also, if you observe someone smiling or they smile at you, you are positively affected.  Sometimes the mouth can’t be seen because of masks being required for health reasons or possibly even for safety in work environments. With eyes being such an important part of the smile, we can still send the smile to someone whether we’re wearing a mask or not. Eyes can say a lot!

Now that you know your Superpower is your smile, you can practice for National Smile Week, which is the second week in August. Here are some ways to engage and spread your Superpower:

1. Even if you don’t “feel” like smiling, if you smile, even in a mirror, your brain and body produce positive chemicals that contribute to you feeling better. To go further, Peace Pilgrim said, “Life is like a mirror, smile at it and it smiles back at you.”

2. Notice smiles on others and give them a shot of your Superpower right back.

3. When you get up in the morning, smile to set the tone for your day.

4. Make a list of things that bring smiles to you and your family. Do more of them.

5. Watch light-hearted, funny movies.

You probably can think of many more ways to have and give smiles. Tom Wilson said, “A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose.” We wish you joy as you engage and spread your Superpower so you and others gain the many benefits from simple, genuine smiles.

Chanhassen MN residents, Doug and Lynn Nodland are success coaches and owners of The Balance Center in Excelsior. Contact them at

© Doug and Lynn Nodland 2020 Articles and videos may be shared in their entirety with attribution.

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