Break bad habits before they break you!
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- 2023

Do you have a bad habit that you would like to break free from? If so, you’re not alone. We have some bad habits that we want to change also. Bad habits often feel like a never-ending cycle. Bad habits interfere with your ability to live the life you were meant to live and achieve your goals. Rob Gilbert puts it this way, “First, we form habits; then they form us. Conquer your bad habits or they will conquer you.”
Interestingly, bad habits often have cycles. Today we’ll discuss some cycles of bad habits and how to break those cycles. One common cycle is the tendency to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms in times of stress or boredom. Here are some additional examples. Someone who struggles with anxiety may turn to overeating or substance abuse to cope with their feelings. Unfortunately, these behaviors only provide temporary relief and ultimately worsen the problem in the long run.
Another tendency is prioritizing short-term pleasure over long-term wellbeing. For example, someone who frequently skips workouts or consumes unhealthy foods may do so because it provides immediate satisfaction or another payoff. However, doing this is very likely to have negative consequences on their physical and mental health in the long run.
We’ve talked about some examples of bad habit cycles. Now we’ll discuss some ways to break the cycle of bad habits. Breaking those cycles requires a concerted effort to identify and address the underlying causes of these behaviors. Plus, it takes a desire to make a change and change is not always easy. Arthur Burt puts it this way, “Nothing happens until the pain of remaining the same outweighs the pain of change.” It may involve seeking support from a counselor or mentor to help you figure out healthy coping mechanisms based on your problems.
To break the cycle of bad habits, you need to replace them with positive alternatives. Mack Story would agree, “Saying NO to the wrong things creates space to say YES to the right things.” Once you identify the bad habit, you’ll need to determine which alternative activities or behaviors will fulfill your true needs and desires, so you stop relying on unhealthy coping mechanisms or short-term pleasure.
For example:
Overeating – Instead of overeating when feeling stressed, go for a fast walk or engage in relaxing activities like meditation or yoga in place of the former bad habit. Get an accountability partner to help hold you accountable to your weight goals.
Skipping meals – Instead of skipping meals, plan out your meals and snacks in advance by including tasty and healthy options that will keep you satisfied. Set reminders to eat at regular intervals throughout the day to help regulate your appetite.
Procrastination – Instead of procrastinating on tasks, set clear goals and deadlines, while breaking larger tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks to prevent overwhelm in the first place.
Smoking – Instead of smoking, use nicotine gum or patches to wean yourself off nicotine gradually. Also try activities that help you relax, like exercise to help manage cravings.
Drinking too much alcohol – Instead of relying on alcohol to cope with stress or to have fun, go for a walk, take a hot bath, or engage in a hobby. Try drinking a non-alcoholic, healthy beverage. Also find healthy ways to manage stress, such as therapy, or relaxation techniques.
Overspending – Instead of overspending, make a budget and stick to it. We know, it takes discipline to follow through. Ask yourself, is this something I really need or is it just something I want. Make a dedicated plan to save for what you really want. Avoid impulse buying.
Remember to prioritize your wellbeing as you activate replacement habits to break the cycle of bad habits. When you replace unhealthy behaviors with positive alternatives, it will be easier for you to achieve your full potential.
Habits can be a two-edged sword, they can either help, or hurt you. Og Mandino sums it up this way, “Good habits are the key to success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure.”
What about you? Do you have some bad habits that are difficult to break? If so, don’t despair, it can be done. Thousands of people just like you have managed to do it and you can too. Ultimately, breaking the cycle of bad habits is about taking control of your life and accepting that only you can choose what you will do. Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” So, start breaking those bad habits before they break you!
Chanhassen MN residents, Doug and Lynn Nodland are success coaches and owners of The Balance Center in Excelsior. Contact them at
© Doug and Lynn Nodland 2023 Articles and videos may be shared in their entirety with attribution.
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Doug Nodland J.D.
684 Excelsior Boulevard
Suite 120
Excelsior, MN 55331