Football as a metaphor for life’s lessons and challenges

Football as a metaphor for life’s lessons and challenges

Did you watch the Superbowl? If so, you’re not alone. Well over 100 million people watched it with you. We wondered – what is the fascination over the Superbowl? For some it’s the social aspect, a chance to get together with friends and family to cheer for your favorite team. For others, they just want to watch the commercials. For many, it’s seeing the culmination of a season of football and watching the two remaining teams play for the coveted Superbowl trophy.

That got us thinking, football, America’s favorite pastime, is more than just a game – it can teach us a lot about life. For some people, watching men in tights run around crashing into each other may seem silly. However, a deeper look reveals many parallels between the sport of football and the game of life. As legendary football coach Vince Lombardi once said, “Football isn’t just a game of inches, it’s a game of life.” Here are some of the key ways football is like life:

Focus on the Fundamentals
Pittsburgh Steelers coach Chuck Noll was spot on when he proclaimed: “Getting the fundamentals right is the most important thing.” Success on the football field starts with blocking, tackling and execution of the basic plays. Mastering the fundamentals allows a team to achieve greatness. Like football, focusing on the basics – proper exercise, nutrition, meaningful relationships, personal growth and serving others – helps create a winning life.

Preparation is Key
As Philadelphia Eagles tight end Zach Ertz noted, “Preparation is one of the biggest keys to success. You have to prepare for the opportunities that will eventually arise.” Like in football, success in life is largely dependent on preparation. Laying the groundwork through education, training, networking, and skill development enables us to capitalize when opportunities arise. The teams and individuals who put in the work in the off-season and in practice are best positioned to excel during the big games.

Teamwork Matters
All-time great Chicago Bears running back Walter Payton knew the importance of teamwork: “Individual achievements are empty without team success.” Football requires cooperation between players with different roles to achieve a common goal. Life is also interdependent and the greatest successes, and joys, are often created through collaboration. Finding good teammates at home, work and in the community enhances life’s journey.

Have a Game Plan
Hall of Fame quarterback, Joe Montana, said, “Winners, I am convinced, imagine their dreams first. They want it with all their heart and expect it to come true. There is, I believe, no other way to live.”  Over the course of a season, there will be highs and lows that seem unimaginable at the onset. Life takes us on an emotional rollercoaster as well. Having a game plan of what you want to achieve, and how to get there, has inherent value. Focusing on personal growth during the ups and downs can produce valuable insights.

Perseverance Pays Off
Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi put it best: “It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up.” Football is an intensely physical sport. Players get knocked down over and over, yet the best get back up and play through pain to achieve victory. Life knocks us down too, but we must find the inner strength to keep getting back up. Persevering through challenges ultimately leads to growth and fulfilment.

Leave it All on the Field
As iconic Oakland Raiders owner Al Davis affirmed: “You have to have the will to win and the heart to never quit trying.” Football games are won and lost in the trenches by the players who are willing to have physical and mental fortitude on each play. Life also demands having physical and mental fortitude to give your best and keep going in pursuit of your dreams. Chicago Bears football coach George Halas said, “No one who ever gave his best regretted it.”

What about you? How would you rate yourself as a player in the game of life? The parallels between football and life are clear. Mastering the lessons embedded in the quotes and experiences of legendary players and coaches can guide us to “victory” on the field of life. Writer, Lewis Grizzard, when comparing life to football said, “You have to tackle your problems, block your fears and score your points when you get the opportunity.”

Yes, football provides an excellent metaphor for the preparation, perseverance, teamwork, focus on fundamentals and an invincible heart required to live boldly. So, whether you’re tossing the pigskin in the backyard or chasing your dreams, keep football’s life lessons in mind.

Chanhassen MN residents, Doug and Lynn Nodland are success coaches and owners of The Balance Center in Excelsior. Contact them at

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