How to fill the gaps in your life

How to fill the gaps in your life

We all have areas in our lives that could use improvement – gaps between where we are and where we want to be. These gaps may be in our health, relationships, career, or gaps in reaching our goals. Closing these gaps can lead to a more fulfilling, balanced life.

Here’s a story about a person who looked at the gaps in his life and the steps he took to make changes.

It was a Monday morning when someone, we’ll call him ‘Alex’, woke up and realized something needed to change. Staring up at some cracks in the ceiling of his bedroom, he thought about how unfulfilled and unhappy he had been feeling about his life. His job felt like a dead end, he had gained weight over the past couple of years, and his relationships felt superficial. 
Alex knew that if he kept going on the same path, nothing would improve. As he got ready for work that morning, he made a resolution – he would start taking small steps each day to create the life he wanted. 
The first change Alex made was to his health. He started taking a walk every day – even just 10 minutes to start. Over time, he worked his way up to longer walks and even started jogging. He also started adjusting his diet – cooking more nutritious meals packed with vegetables and lean protein. In just a couple months, he had more energy and started shedding some pounds.
Next, Alex worked on building more meaningful relationships. He reached out to old friends he had fallen out of touch with, and he made an effort to ask colleagues personal questions. He listened attentively when people spoke. He found that when he invested in others, they were eager to invest in him, too. For the first time in quite a while, Alex felt connected.
As Alex’s health and outlook improved, he realized his dissatisfaction with work grew. He started researching new career paths that would align with some of his personal interests and hobbies. Before he knew it, he landed a job doing something he found genuinely fulfilling.
Within a year, Alex could barely recognize his former self. By taking small, manageable steps each day to improve different areas of his life – health, relationships, career – he completely transformed his life. For the first time in a long time, Alex felt a sense of purpose and was excited about the future.
Does any part of Alex’s story resonate with you? If so, here are some tips to help fill the gaps.

Fill Gaps in Your Health

Stress, lack of sleep, and constant busyness drain us. Set priorities to reduce anxiety and make time for self-care. Connect with nature, enjoy hobbies, and slow down to appreciate the little moments.

Examine your habits around eating, exercise, and preventative health. Make improvements that will lead to increased energy and wellness. “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live,” advised Jim Rohn.

Fill Gaps in Your Relationships

Strong relationships with family, friends, and community provide meaning, support, and joy. Yet it’s easy to let these bonds weaken over time. Contact people you care about but have not connected with for some time. Schedule video calls to catch up, send letters sharing what’s happening in your life, or plan visits if you live far apart.

For people you see every day, find ways to strengthen your bond through shared activities and deeper conversation. “The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention,” says relationship expert Rachel Remen.

Fill Gaps in Your Career/Purpose

Continuous learning keeps minds sharp and allows us to achieve more. Think about what skills would help you in your career, purpose, or hobbies. Take a class, join a workshop, or use online tutorials to gain expertise. Feed your curiosity by regularly reading about subjects that fascinate you. Rick Warren says, “If you’re alive, there’s a purpose for your life.” We agree!

What about you? Are there gaps in your life between where you are now and where you want to be?  Making a major life change can feel daunting. Alex realized focusing on small, daily improvements was the key. Over time, those changes compounded to take him to a much happier place. The same result can happen with you.

Anyone can reinvent their lifestyle for the better by identifying gaps in life, and then taking steps to close them. The effort may give you an even happier, more fulfilling life.

Chanhassen MN residents, Doug and Lynn Nodland are success coaches and owners of The Balance Center in Excelsior. Contact them at

© Doug and Lynn Nodland 2024 Articles and videos may be shared in their entirety with attribution.

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