How water reveals the power of words and intentions!
- 25
- October
- 2023

How is life going for you right now? We hope it’s going well. But if you’re having some concerns about the future, you’re not alone. The world seems to be getting more and more complex and sometimes crazy. Technology is having a bigger and bigger impact on our life. AI (artificial intelligence) can be used to write or make anything you want. 3D printing and lots of other amazing innovations are available. Driverless cars are just around the corner.
Yet, along with these new ‘advancements’, many people are feeling that the world is more dysfunctional and that relationships are suffering. Conflict in relationships can be viewed in the world, in communities and in families. Where did the sense of respect, love, gratitude, and peace go? We think back in time to ‘the good old days’ when life seemed simpler.
That’s what happened to Michael J. Fox when he starred in the 1985 science fiction movie, Back to the Future. He stepped into the DeLorean time machine and was accidentally transported back thirty years. What a shock! But maybe, with what’s going on in today’s world, going back in time doesn’t seem like such a bad idea. With the uncertain future of the world, we sometimes think that ‘stepping back from the future’ might feel more peaceful.
These thoughts of peace got us revisiting some of the findings of Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese water scientist and Doctor of Alternative Medicine. He contributed some interesting research before his passing in 2014. Emoto also wrote a book, The Hidden Messages in Water, where he explains his water experiments and shows a variety of water crystals. He claimed that the molecular structure of water could be changed according to the environment it was exposed to. His research is quite surprising and may apply to each of us. Stay tuned to see how.
Here’s a recap of one of his experiments: Emoto put labels on three covered jars of water.
The first jar he labeled with positive words. The second jar he labeled with negative words and the third jar he ignored. Emoto then froze all the jars of water.
Emoto found that when the water was exposed to positive words, either written or spoken and intentions were positive, then beautiful, symmetrical, and peaceful looking crystal structures showed up under his microscope.
However, when the water was exposed to negative words and intentions, the crystals that formed were disorganized and asymmetrical. What was surprising is that the water that was ignored produced broken and very ugly structures. Emoto and other scientists put forth the thought that this finding might also apply to relationships, especially to relationships with children. In other words, it’s bad to have a relationship where someone is put down, but it’s even worse if a person is totally ignored.
Some people have tried to debunk Emoto’s research, but a group of researchers, in a well-controlled, double-blind study involving 2,000 people, obtained similar results. Kind words and positive intention also seems to work with plants. So don’t be surprised if plants flourish when you talk nicely to them and give them love!
Emoto also did experiments with polluted water that had disorganized structures. When that water was prayed over, then beautiful crystal structures formed. What we believe, is that prayer, thinking positively and having good intentions, can positively influence our life.
After revisiting Emoto’s research on water, we understand, even more, the effects that words, thoughts, and intentions can have on all living things. We decided to slow down and spend more time cooking our meals, without relying on the microwave. Now as we prepare food, we do it more thoughtfully. We’ve always said prayers of thanks for our food, but now we pray with even more intention.
To see Dr. Emoto’s photographs, go to It’s fascinating to see how words can influence how water crystals are formed. Think about how words and intentions can affect our bodies, since our bodies are made up of approximately sixty or more percent water.
What about you? We encourage you to be intentional with the words you use with others and with yourself. Emoto said, “The words of gratitude and love, form the foundational principles of the laws of nature and the phenomenon of life.”
Know that using positive words and good intent may not only strengthen your relationships, but it can also positively impact your health and the health of those around you. Since none of us have a magical DeLorean vehicle that can transport us back in time, let’s be thankful and make the most of our present time.
Chanhassen MN residents, Doug and Lynn Nodland are success coaches and owners of The Balance Center in Excelsior. Contact them at
© Doug and Lynn Nodland 2023 Articles and videos may be shared in their entirety with attribution.
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Doug Nodland J.D.
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