What does the word ‘truth’ mean to you?
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- May
- 2023

The reason we’re asking that question is because it seems like some of what we grew up believing to be ‘true,’ we are now being told is not true. Also, if we don’t believe the ‘new truth’ we may be classified as being bigoted.
Perhaps it would be helpful to see how “truth” is defined by different sources. Dictionary.com says, “Truth means the actual state of a matter, an adherence to reality, or an indisputable fact.” The Cambridge English Dictionary says that truth is “A fact or principle that is thought to be true by most people.” “An established or verified fact, principle.”
Using these definitions, are you noticing that what you once thought was “an indisputable fact” in various areas, including science and biology, are now being challenged as not true? Have you observed it’s becoming more and more difficult to have a calm, rational discussion about these matters without being called hateful names? It’s like being in a war of words if you should possibly have a different opinion. It’s ironic because there’s a saying, “In war, truth is the first casualty.”
Also, with war, invariably comes propaganda, a distortion of truth. Propaganda typically has three elements: 1. It’s purposely biased, misleading, or false. 2. It’s directed at, or on behalf of, a political cause. 3. It inhibits our ability to engage in rational decision-making.
Do you wonder if our constitutional right of “free speech” is under attack? Today’s ‘cancel culture’ is actively attempting to ‘cancel’ those whose statements that are different than their own. There once was a time when persuasion, logic, and facts were used to try to influence others to hear your side of the issue. Now it’s more about using force and name-calling to silence those with whom they disagree. Or they simply dismiss the arguments of the other side as “disinformation”. In fact, recently there was an attempt to establish a national “Disinformation Governance Board”. That idea was abandoned, for now, when met with strong opposition. It sounds eerily like the “Ministry of Truth” out of George Orwell’s book, 1984, which was published in 1949.
You may have read 1984 years ago in high school or college. We encourage you to read it again and see if parts of it apply now. In his book, Orwell writes about a society corrupted by totalitarian power, thought police, media manipulation and where tech was being used against the people.
In his book, Orwell also talks about how the government used language to confuse and intimidate citizens so they would accept their oppression. The government referred to it as “Newspeak”. Examples were, “War is peace”, “Freedom is slavery” and “Ignorance is strength”. Terms, currently used like “thought police”, Big Brother” and “doublethink” come from his book. Orwell also describes a world where fear is used to control and manipulate those who don’t conform to the current political orthodoxy. Even Orwell’s name has become an adjective. “Orwellian” is used to describe current beliefs that are held by an authoritarian government.
To help discern truth, there are two principles that should not be forgotten. One is – the truth can withstand tough questions. The other is – the lie hates to be questioned. If there is a concentrated effort to limit an opposing point of view, that may indicate a lie that doesn’t want to be questioned. Instead of trying to stifle, isolate, quarantine and cancel people and ideas, why not use facts and logic to challenge them in the light of day where they can be publicly debated? Here is a chilling quote from Orwell that talks about this dynamic. “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”
Highly credentialed medical professionals have had their licenses stripped because they supposedly gave “disinformation” when they quoted statistics from the vaccine manufacturer’s own studies. Also, TV anchors and other professionals are fired if they don’t follow the “approved” narrative.
The Bible says, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:32. Are you aware that people are being cancelled on social media if they quote certain passages from the Bible because it is labeled as “hate speech”?
What about you? Are you sensing there’s an effort to limit our right to free speech? If so, we encourage you to not fear retribution. Speak up, stay strong and don’t be intimidated. As they say in the Air Force, “You catch the most flak when you’re over the target.” The best decisions can be made when different viewpoints are allowed to be publicly shared.
Chanhassen MN residents, Doug and Lynn Nodland are success coaches and owners of The Balance Center in Excelsior. Contact them at WeCare@TheBalanceCenter.com
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