Is it time for your pandemic pivot?

Is it time for your pandemic pivot?

What’s changed in your life since the pandemic started?  It’s been a difficult time for many people. That’s true for not only health reasons but also because of the financial hardship many people are experiencing.

For others, the changes haven’t been all negative. In fact, there’ve been some positives.  A change for us is working virtually from home. Now we ‘see’ our clients via the Internet or by phone. Many other people are also working from home instead of going to the office. Does that include you, or someone you know? If so, you see how, time and gas money are saved by not having to drive to work.

Many people are changing direction in their careers, a pivot, so to speak. Some people, who lost their jobs due to the pandemic, have decided to be their own boss instead of trying to find another job. It’s something that may have always been in the back of their mind, but being “laid off” gave them the impetus to finally take action on their dream.

We recently called a “handyman”, who had been recommended to us, to do some work in our home. He mentioned that he had been employed in a top level job by a big company but had recently been “furloughed”. Instead of looking for another executive job, he decided to become a self-employed handyman. He’s happy and busy, loving what he’s doing – and he has a lot less stress in his life.

Some people are using their time at home to clear out the garage and closets of all the things they had not been using. Others are taking time to think about what they really want in life and whether the path they’re on now is getting them there. We know people who are selling their homes and relocating to get a fresh start.

It’s been a time for some people to do what they’ve been putting off, such as writing the book that has been on their mind for years, or trying a new hobby. In a previous column, I (Lynn) talked about wanting to learn to play the baritone ukulele. I must admit that I’m not getting very far with it, but I’m not giving up!

Meanwhile, Doug’s playful, creative side is coming out in a different way. Here are the lyrics for a new rap song he wrote called “The Pandemic Pivot!”.

So you lost your job and your Mojo too ‘cuz you never thought it could happen to you.

Ya’ gave your work, all ya’ could give it. Now you can do the Pandemic Pivot.

What’s happened here is not a loss, it’s now your turn to be the boss!

So dry those tears, put away that flask, quit hiding there behind your mask!

There’s lots of people on your side. It’s a brand new day with a rising tide.

You can do it, you know you can. Just make a decision and work the plan.

Lookin’ back one day, your thoughts will rivet to when you did the Pandemic Pivot!

Whether you relate to the job situation or not, you won’t want to miss Doug’s rap performed on the video that accompanies this column.

Pivots are also happening in relationships. Couples and families who’ve found themselves “stuck together at home”, have had to find creative ways to adjust to spending more time together. We’re reminded of something a lady told us when she was getting used to her husband being retired and home more. She said, “I married him for better or for worse, but not for lunch every day!”

Many families are taking time to play board games together instead of binge-watching TV. In addition, chores are being divided among the family so that there’s a “team feeling”. Also, some relationships are becoming more “real”, as people talk to each other in more depth and not just about the weather.

The pandemic has been particularly difficult if you have loved ones who are in care facilities. There are often visiting restrictions. Fortunately, technology has helped to somewhat bridge that gap. By using Skype or other platforms, families and friends have been able to see each other on a computer or smartphone. Somehow, virtual hugs don’t quite measure up to real hugs.

What about you? Is it time to make your life even better with a pandemic pivot?  We’ve shared some ideas. We encourage you to look for opportunities that exist, even during these difficult times.  We would love to hear your thoughts!   

Chanhassen MN residents, Doug and Lynn Nodland are success coaches and owners of The Balance Center in Excelsior. Contact them at

© Doug and Lynn Nodland 2020 Articles and videos may be shared in their entirety with attribution.

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