Let’s strive to be united as we enjoy 4th of July!

Let’s strive to be united as we enjoy 4th of July!

What does it mean to strive to be united as Americans and enjoy freedom? In the past, it might have been easy to take freedom for granted. A lot has happened in the past few years. There’s been political and social unrest coupled with a pandemic. People seemed to move farther apart not only in social distancing but in relationships. With the 4th of July coming up we started looking at what it means to be Americans united in enjoying freedom today.

Now we’re grateful for freedom to be able to be with people and celebrate the holiday. Many communities are running events from July 2nd through July 4th.

We remember that the 4th of July 1776, was when our forefathers approved the Declaration of Independence from Britain.  Robert J. McCracken said, “We on this continent should never forget that men first crossed the Atlantic not to find soil for their plows but to secure liberty for their souls.”

We also remember and are grateful for all the people who have served and are now serving to help keep our country safe and free.  Some made the ultimate sacrifice. Freedom isn’t free! We’ve had family members who served, and we’re so proud of them.  Maybe you’ve also had family members, or friends, who put their lives on the line in defense of our flag. Korean War veteran, Howard Osterkamp said, “All gave some and some gave all.”

There have been many sacrifices to allow us to celebrate our country. We got to thinking how wonderful it would be if we could see other Americans united as one big family. We are comprised of many cultures, races, and creeds. Different, yes, but hopefully united in love for our country and grateful for all who formed our country, served to protected it, and still protect it now.

Let’s look at some of the traits that unite good families and strive to develop those traits in our country. In well-functioning families, trust is a very important trait. Being open, honest, and trustworthy helps family members know that you can believe what other members say and do. There are no “hidden agendas”. There’s also no “gaslighting”. As a refresher, the dictionary defines gaslighting as, “To manipulate (someone) using psychological methods into questioning their own reasoning and sanity”.

Feeling safe is another important trait for good families. Acceptance and trust help people to feel safe. When people feel safe, they don’t feel the need to try to protect themselves and their own ideologies from others. Feeling safe also means being able to engage in free speech and discussion without fear of reprisal. It helps people be open to new ideas.

In good families, people love, care, and respect each other. Notice how, when there’s a natural disaster such as a flood, tornado, or hurricane, people let go of any prejudices and pitch right in. Let’s see how that can happen every day without needing a disaster to have the caring for others magically appear. People are going through struggles in life that we may not see. So be gentle with each other.

Speaking of freedom, letting go of anger and resentment for others, and even ourselves, can help us feel free. Family members, political opponents, people of different races and cultures can carry a heavy burden until they choose to let go of those negative feelings.

Leadership is also a trait that’s helpful for good family functioning. Leaders consider all members of the family and provide a guiding light for good in many ways. People learn by observing how leaders talk, act, and accept responsibility. Leaders are also humble enough to learn and apologize for any unintentional mistakes. Then they set an example for doing things better. They also help people to grow in their own faith, skills, talents, and confidence.

What about you and your thoughts? We’ve just outlined a few of the many traits of good families that can help as we strive to unite Americans. We’re grateful for the freedom we’ve been given. As we celebrate the 4th of July and honor all who make our country free and safe, let’s embrace brotherly love for all Americans. We, and our country, are by no means perfect.

We hope that people will look for the good in each other and in our country. Recognize that we are still growing and learning. Remember the words of Peter Marshall, “May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.” We wish you a Happy 4th of July!

Chanhassen MN residents, Doug and Lynn Nodland are success coaches and owners of The Balance Center in Excelsior. Contact them at WeCare@TheBalanceCenter.com

© Doug and Lynn Nodland 2023 Articles and videos may be shared in their entirety with attribution.

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